The Rio Grande City Public Library, along with the RGC Main Street Program, and the RGC Economic Development Co. will host the last art walk of this year's season on Thursday, May 2, at the Lopez-Tijerina Courtyard starting at 6:00 pm. “We are trying to reach out to artists, and promote literature, music, and poetry,” stated RGC Public Library director Norma Fultz. “Anyone that is interested in participating or joining us can do so on that day, [or call us ahead of time for more information at] 956-487-4389.”

Event coordinators explain this season's last Art Walk will feature a Black & White Photography Contest, music, art exhibits, light refreshments and artisan vendors. “We encourage everyone who would like to participate in our photo contest to submit their favorite into the contest,” declared Fultz. The Lopez-Tijerina Courtyard is located on 405 E Mirasoles St., in Rio Grande City. Residents interested in more information about this event can also contact the City of Rio Grande City by dialing 956-487-0672.