According to a press release from the County of Starr, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Office teamed-up with Rio Grande City CISD earlier this week to host a community healthy-eating demonstration.
The Dinner Tonight event was held at Veterans Middle School on Tuesday, December 4, and featured several local Chefs showcasing delectable meals prepared using healthy recipes.
"Congratulations to all of the RGCCSD students who participated, all of the sponsors, Chefs, and to everyone who attended the celebration of great and healthy food event," reads a statement from the County.
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service is a unique education agency with a statewide network of professional educators, trained volunteers, and county offices. It reaches into every Texas county to address local priority needs. Some of our major efforts are in mitigating drought impacts; conserving water use in homes, landscapes, and production agriculture; improving emergency management; enhancing food security; and protecting human health through education about diet, exercise, and disease prevention and management. AgriLife Extension demonstrates the latest technology and best practices to improve the state’s food and fiber system, which serves all Texas consumers and contributes nine percent of the gross domestic product. Texas 4-H, our primary youth program, engages some 600,000 youth every year in learning projects, leadership development, and community service.